(410) 834-5000

Dirty Fuel Is a Real Problem

All fuel becomes contaminated over time, sometimes even before you buy it.  Fuel becomes contaminated because of two primary reasons, refining and storage.

The refining industry has developed increasingly sophisticated cracking methods to achieve higher yields of gasoline and diesel fuels from crude. While economically desirable, today’s fuels are far less stable than those of even a decade ago. The effect is an increase in the incidence of bacteria, sludge, and emulsion. Water dispersing additives also create an emulsion that is recognized by the water separators as fuel, but to the engine it is water and this leaves you with a poorly functioning engine.

All storage tanks are vented to the atmosphere. During storage and transport, fuel is exposed to oxygen, particulate contamination, humidity, and airborne bacteria and spores. Water collects on the bottom of the tank and creates an environment perfect for the proliferation of bacteria. If fuel is left unchecked, slimy deposits pitting, and tank corrosion will occur.

Fuel left untreated will cause blocked fuel lines, dirty nozzles and injectors, clogged filters and loss of engine combustion.

We've Got Your Easy Solution

Fuel Cleaning That Comes To You

Brad’s Fuel Filtering will mobilize filtration equipment to your fuel tank location. A hose will be inserted into to remove water from both low ends of the tank. For heating oil or diesel fuels, we’ll add a biocide to the tank to kill microorganisms. Next the fuel is run through a separator that removes freestanding water from good fuel. Our process removes 99.9% of water from fuel. Then the fuel is processed through a series of filters that remove particulate down to 5 microns. Tank agitation removes built up sediment from the tank wall and this process continues until all contaminants are removed. Fuel stabilizer is added as necessary in order to return fuel to its true octane rating. Most importantly, our filtration process results in no loss of fuel, we only remove water and contaminants.

Over 30 Years of Experience!

After 30 years of experience, Brad Bettencourt is pleased to announce the opening of his new company, Brad’s Fuel Filtering.

Brad’s Fuel Filtering offers the best fuel filtration service throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Our next generation equipment has improved water separation, more surface area of filtration, and can be adapted to meet the need of any customer. No matter the type of fuel or condition, we guarantee we can bring your fuel back to life and within ASTM specifications.


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Brad’s Fuel Filtering will visit your commercial location, draw samples from your tank and analyze your fuel’s condition. If dirt, algae or water have infiltrated your tank, you’ll see it with your own eyes. If not you’ll have peace of mind. Want a FREE FUEL TEST? Contact us today to set a test date. freefueltest@bradsfuelfiltering.com

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